Monday, November 28, 2011

Back To Basics: Defining Your Face Shape

Back To Basics: Defining Your Face Shape..

Hello! :)

I've decided to start a series called "Back To Basics" which will be posts about basic important information for those of you who are just starting out with makeup or maybe you just wanted to know a little bit more about it.

I am no professional so all posts will be about what I've learnt over the years from other sources.

The first Back To Basics post will be about face shapes. It is so important for us to determine our face shapes so that we can base our hair and makeup around it and know what suits us best.

In this post I will be defining the different shapes we may have.

1. Oval
Due to the symmetry of an oval face, it has been said that this face shape is the most ideal and perfect to have as it is proportioned well and balanced. It is narrower at the forehead and chin and slightly more broad at the cheeks. Because of its perfect proportions, it is an easier face shape to work with so things such as eyebrow shapes do not really need consideration. 

2. Round
A rounded face has fuller cheeks than an oval shaped face therefore making the face nearly twice as wide as it is long. The face also has a rounded chin and curved hairline/forehead. Those with this face shape tend to look younger and retain youthfulness.
 Contouring is often used with this face shape to create angles and a more defined bone structure. 

3. Heart
The heart shape face is wider at the forehead and temples and narrows down to a pointed chin. Those with a prominent heart face shape will also have a hairline that mimics the round bumps of a heart.

4. Square
A square shaped face is as wide at the jawline as it is at the cheeks and forehead. The hairline is often straight as well. The squared face can be softened by contouring under your cheekbones and temples.

5. Triangle

Triangle shaped faces are wide at the jawline and narrower at the forehead.

Width can be added to the face by contouring under your cheekbones.

6. Diamond
Diamond shaped faces are narrower at the forehead, jawline and chin whilst wider at the cheekbones. People with this face shape tend to have high cheekbones because of this, no contouring under the cheekbone is needed. 

Hope this helps in some way if you were trying to identify your face shape. The key is knowing what suits your face shape best so now maybe you can do research on makeup and hairstyles to suit your shape.

Don't forget my giveaway ends 30th November at midnight (GMT)!

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Back To Basics: Defining Your Face Shape

Back To Basics: Defining Your Face Shape..

Hello! :)

I've decided to start a series called "Back To Basics" which will be posts about basic important information for those of you who are just starting out with makeup or maybe you just wanted to know a little bit more about it.

I am no professional so all posts will be about what I've learnt over the years from other sources.

The first Back To Basics post will be about face shapes. It is so important for us to determine our face shapes so that we can base our hair and makeup around it and know what suits us best.

In this post I will be defining the different shapes we may have.

1. Oval
Due to the symmetry of an oval face, it has been said that this face shape is the most ideal and perfect to have as it is proportioned well and balanced. It is narrower at the forehead and chin and slightly more broad at the cheeks. Because of its perfect proportions, it is an easier face shape to work with so things such as eyebrow shapes do not really need consideration. 

2. Round
A rounded face has fuller cheeks than an oval shaped face therefore making the face nearly twice as wide as it is long. The face also has a rounded chin and curved hairline/forehead. Those with this face shape tend to look younger and retain youthfulness.
 Contouring is often used with this face shape to create angles and a more defined bone structure. 

3. Heart
The heart shape face is wider at the forehead and temples and narrows down to a pointed chin. Those with a prominent heart face shape will also have a hairline that mimics the round bumps of a heart.

4. Square
A square shaped face is as wide at the jawline as it is at the cheeks and forehead. The hairline is often straight as well. The squared face can be softened by contouring under your cheekbones and temples.

5. Triangle

Triangle shaped faces are wide at the jawline and narrower at the forehead.

Width can be added to the face by contouring under your cheekbones.

6. Diamond
Diamond shaped faces are narrower at the forehead, jawline and chin whilst wider at the cheekbones. People with this face shape tend to have high cheekbones because of this, no contouring under the cheekbone is needed. 

Hope this helps in some way if you were trying to identify your face shape. The key is knowing what suits your face shape best so now maybe you can do research on makeup and hairstyles to suit your shape.

Don't forget my giveaway ends 30th November at midnight (GMT)!

Twitter  Bloglovin ♥ Giveaway  

Sunday, November 27, 2011

NOTD: Essie - Bahama Mama

NOTD: Essie - Bahama Mama..

Achieved with two coats

Hey beauties
Gosh it has been a week. Sorry!
Been a while since I've done a NOTD post so I just thought I'd quickly show you what I am currently wearing on my nails(please excuse the fact that yes I do need infills!). 
For a change, my nails are not in the usual squared shape. I thought I'd try something new so I got them filed pointy. Now when I first got these done, they were more pointy but over time they've become more rounded. I wasn't too sure whether I was going to like my new shape but I wanted to be daring so here they are!
I know they're not everyone's taste but I quite like them so I'm happy :)

As you can obviously tell from the title, today's polish is by Essie and it's called Bahama Mama. I would describe this colour as a deep plum. I don't usually buy nail polishes this colour but I thought it'll be great for the season.

Any thoughts?

NOTD: Essie - Bahama Mama

NOTD: Essie - Bahama Mama..

Achieved with two coats

Hey beauties
Gosh it has been a week. Sorry!
Been a while since I've done a NOTD post so I just thought I'd quickly show you what I am currently wearing on my nails(please excuse the fact that yes I do need infills!). 
For a change, my nails are not in the usual squared shape. I thought I'd try something new so I got them filed pointy. Now when I first got these done, they were more pointy but over time they've become more rounded. I wasn't too sure whether I was going to like my new shape but I wanted to be daring so here they are!
I know they're not everyone's taste but I quite like them so I'm happy :)

As you can obviously tell from the title, today's polish is by Essie and it's called Bahama Mama. I would describe this colour as a deep plum. I don't usually buy nail polishes this colour but I thought it'll be great for the season.

Any thoughts?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Product Rave: Clearasil Pore Cleansing Pads

Product Rave: Clearasil Pore Cleansing Pads..
From the title I'm sure it is pretty obvious that I've come to rave about a product lol

Today's product rave is about 'Clearasil Pore Cleansing Pads'.

"Deep cleansing action to help clear and prevent breakouts"

Now I'm sure there will be many of you out there who are battling spots but can't find a solution. I'm not saying this will be a miracle product for you but just a suggestion that you may want to give it a go and see how it works with your skin.

I had spot free skin up until maybe last year September, then when I got to uni I would get the occasional spot here and there. It wasn't severe and any spot I did have would be quite small anyway but I just wasn't used to it and I've always said spots were one of my biggest fears so when I did get them I would make a fuss. Since then I started paying more attention to looking after my skin and bought so many products to try and get rid of any spot I did have but some didn't work and some just made it worse. 

All this while my best friend kept going on about the Clearasil Pore Cleansing Pads but I never really paid much attention because she had perfect skin anyway and I thought she was just exaggerating. My sister had a huge reaction from using a Clearasil product (her face swelled up and everything!) so that also made me a bit skeptical about buying this. But you know me, I always give in when it comes to buying beauty products so one day when I was in Wilkinson I stumbled across it and thought it was time to give it a go! Since my purchase I have never looked back!

"The textured pads exfoliate skin while the spot fighting formula penetrates deep into pores to help clear and prevent breakouts"

With this product, I am back to having the smooth spot-free skin I once had and haven't suffered a break out since.
I know everyone's skin is different and what may work for me may not work for you but I just thought I'd share this great product with you anyway.

I use 1-2 pads both in the morning and evening after I've washed my face. I know you're not meant to over-exfoliate but I'm really fussy and I will wipe this over my face until I've got a clear pad so that I know my face is clean that is why sometimes I use 2 pads instead of 1.

Pack quantity: 65 pads
Price: £3.58 from Wilkinsons
Availability: Most drug stores/Pharmacies, Wilkinsons, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsburys, Boots, Asda, etc 

Will you be trying this out?

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Product Rave: Clearasil Pore Cleansing Pads

Product Rave: Clearasil Pore Cleansing Pads..
From the title I'm sure it is pretty obvious that I've come to rave about a product lol

Today's product rave is about 'Clearasil Pore Cleansing Pads'.

"Deep cleansing action to help clear and prevent breakouts"

Now I'm sure there will be many of you out there who are battling spots but can't find a solution. I'm not saying this will be a miracle product for you but just a suggestion that you may want to give it a go and see how it works with your skin.

I had spot free skin up until maybe last year September, then when I got to uni I would get the occasional spot here and there. It wasn't severe and any spot I did have would be quite small anyway but I just wasn't used to it and I've always said spots were one of my biggest fears so when I did get them I would make a fuss. Since then I started paying more attention to looking after my skin and bought so many products to try and get rid of any spot I did have but some didn't work and some just made it worse. 

All this while my best friend kept going on about the Clearasil Pore Cleansing Pads but I never really paid much attention because she had perfect skin anyway and I thought she was just exaggerating. My sister had a huge reaction from using a Clearasil product (her face swelled up and everything!) so that also made me a bit skeptical about buying this. But you know me, I always give in when it comes to buying beauty products so one day when I was in Wilkinson I stumbled across it and thought it was time to give it a go! Since my purchase I have never looked back!

"The textured pads exfoliate skin while the spot fighting formula penetrates deep into pores to help clear and prevent breakouts"

With this product, I am back to having the smooth spot-free skin I once had and haven't suffered a break out since.
I know everyone's skin is different and what may work for me may not work for you but I just thought I'd share this great product with you anyway.

I use 1-2 pads both in the morning and evening after I've washed my face. I know you're not meant to over-exfoliate but I'm really fussy and I will wipe this over my face until I've got a clear pad so that I know my face is clean that is why sometimes I use 2 pads instead of 1.

Pack quantity: 65 pads
Price: £3.58 from Wilkinsons
Availability: Most drug stores/Pharmacies, Wilkinsons, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsburys, Boots, Asda, etc 

Will you be trying this out?

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Review: Clinique Take The Day Off Makeup Remover For Lids, Lashes & Lips

Review: Clinique Take The Day Off Makeup Remover For Lids, Lashes & Lips..

If you can remember, a couple of months ago I made a post on a few Clinique samples that my mum was given when she made a purchase (for those who cannot remember or may not have seen the post, just click here). The bag of samples included a small sized bottle of a make up remover called 'Take The Day Off Makeup Remover For Lids, Lashes & Lips'.

"Makeup remover for lids, lashes and lips. Unique, two-way formula that loosens the grip, then speeds the departure of the most persistent, eye makeups, mascara and lipsticks. Ophthalmologist tested. Suitable for contact lens wearers."

One thing I do not like doing is sleeping with makeup on my face. In my opinion wipes is not enough to thoroughly get your makeup off and it usually does not fully remove my eye makeup. After sampling this, I realised that a day cannot go by without me using it so I purchased a full sized bottle. This product does a very good job at removing my eyeliner and mascara without any traces of them left. Usually I find it hard removing mascara but this remover is good for even the most stubborn eye and lip makeups. 

Ever had a lipstick that just won't come off and stains your lips?

Well I have and it can be so annoying. When I want a product removed, I want it removed completely. I hate being left with stains and traces!

Since I've been using the remover, I've never had this problem as it removes every last bit of eye and lip makeup (I don't wear eye-shadow so I'm not sure how well it removes that).

I usually use a large oval cotton pad for removal.

This makeup remover feels like it is oil-based but it does not leave your skin feeling greasy! It makes your eye and lip area feel so soft as it gently but effectively removes product.

Enough of me going on and on about how well this product works but I will conclude and say this is the best remover I've used to date. 

By the way, I do not use this to remove foundation as it is not specified for this use and Clinique has another product for this.

For All Skin Types

Price: £14.50 (Currently on offer for £13.05 at Debenhams and John Lewis (online)
Size: 125ml
Availability: All Clinique counters, John Lewis, Debenhams, House of Fraser. (Also available online)

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Review: Clinique Take The Day Off Makeup Remover For Lids, Lashes & Lips

Review: Clinique Take The Day Off Makeup Remover For Lids, Lashes & Lips..

If you can remember, a couple of months ago I made a post on a few Clinique samples that my mum was given when she made a purchase (for those who cannot remember or may not have seen the post, just click here). The bag of samples included a small sized bottle of a make up remover called 'Take The Day Off Makeup Remover For Lids, Lashes & Lips'.

"Makeup remover for lids, lashes and lips. Unique, two-way formula that loosens the grip, then speeds the departure of the most persistent, eye makeups, mascara and lipsticks. Ophthalmologist tested. Suitable for contact lens wearers."

One thing I do not like doing is sleeping with makeup on my face. In my opinion wipes is not enough to thoroughly get your makeup off and it usually does not fully remove my eye makeup. After sampling this, I realised that a day cannot go by without me using it so I purchased a full sized bottle. This product does a very good job at removing my eyeliner and mascara without any traces of them left. Usually I find it hard removing mascara but this remover is good for even the most stubborn eye and lip makeups. 

Ever had a lipstick that just won't come off and stains your lips?

Well I have and it can be so annoying. When I want a product removed, I want it removed completely. I hate being left with stains and traces!

Since I've been using the remover, I've never had this problem as it removes every last bit of eye and lip makeup (I don't wear eye-shadow so I'm not sure how well it removes that).

I usually use a large oval cotton pad for removal.

This makeup remover feels like it is oil-based but it does not leave your skin feeling greasy! It makes your eye and lip area feel so soft as it gently but effectively removes product.

Enough of me going on and on about how well this product works but I will conclude and say this is the best remover I've used to date. 

By the way, I do not use this to remove foundation as it is not specified for this use and Clinique has another product for this.

For All Skin Types

Price: £14.50 (Currently on offer for £13.05 at Debenhams and John Lewis (online)
Size: 125ml
Availability: All Clinique counters, John Lewis, Debenhams, House of Fraser. (Also available online)

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

FOTD: Using MAC Hang-Up

FOTD: Using MAC Hang-Up..

Hey Beauts!
So I recently just posted about getting MAC Hang-Up lipstick yesterday which is a deep berry colour. I couldn't wait to try it out so I thought I'd wear it today and show you all what it looks like. As I said before, I'm really into this seasons makeup trend so I'm playing around with deep reds, and purples. Usually I tend to wear pink on my lips and I guess I'm coming out of my comfort zone a little but I'm loving it!


Moisturiser: Renew Intensive Skin Therapy + MAC Oil Control Lotion
Primer: MAC Prep + Prime Skin Base Visage and MAC Fix +
Foundation: Estee Lauder Double Wear in 6N1 Truffle mixed with Face Atelier Ultra in #10 Cocoa 
Powder: MAC MSF Natural in Dark
Under Eye Concealer: MAC Prolongwear Concealer - NC42
Contour: Sleek Contour Powder in Medium
Blush: MAC Loverush
To Set: Laura Mercier Invisible Loose Powder - Universal 


Eyebrows: MAC Eye Brows in Spiked


Eyeliner: Loreal Super Liner - Carbon Gloss
Mascara: Mary Kay Ultimate Mascara in Black


Lipstick: MAC Hang-Up


I'm really thinking of getting MAC Rebel lipstick next. What do you think?

Don't forget to enter my giveaway!

FOTD: Using MAC Hang-Up

FOTD: Using MAC Hang-Up..

Hey Beauts!
So I recently just posted about getting MAC Hang-Up lipstick yesterday which is a deep berry colour. I couldn't wait to try it out so I thought I'd wear it today and show you all what it looks like. As I said before, I'm really into this seasons makeup trend so I'm playing around with deep reds, and purples. Usually I tend to wear pink on my lips and I guess I'm coming out of my comfort zone a little but I'm loving it!


Moisturiser: Renew Intensive Skin Therapy + MAC Oil Control Lotion
Primer: MAC Prep + Prime Skin Base Visage and MAC Fix +
Foundation: Estee Lauder Double Wear in 6N1 Truffle mixed with Face Atelier Ultra in #10 Cocoa 
Powder: MAC MSF Natural in Dark
Under Eye Concealer: MAC Prolongwear Concealer - NC42
Contour: Sleek Contour Powder in Medium
Blush: MAC Loverush
To Set: Laura Mercier Invisible Loose Powder - Universal 


Eyebrows: MAC Eye Brows in Spiked


Eyeliner: Loreal Super Liner - Carbon Gloss
Mascara: Mary Kay Ultimate Mascara in Black


Lipstick: MAC Hang-Up


I'm really thinking of getting MAC Rebel lipstick next. What do you think?

Don't forget to enter my giveaway!

What's New: MAC Hang-Up and MAC Dubonnet

What's New: MAC Hang-Up and MAC Dubonnet..

 Guess who's back?! :)
So sorry I haven't really been blogging. Unfortunately I had issues with my memory card and adapter so I lost all the pictures taken that I was meant to blog about *sigh*. 
I've gotten a new adapter so things are okay for now but I couldn't retrieve any of the pictures.
Now everything is sorted, I should be blogging more regularly! 
This time I am actually going to start saving back ups of my images. I don't know why I didn't before.

Yesterday I got myself two MAC lipsticks. Those who follow me on twitter probably saw me tweet and a while ago I mentioned wanting 'Hang-Up'.
I've really been into this whole vampy look makeup trend lately so I thought I'd add some vampy-ish colours to my collection.

MAC Dubonnet
MAC Dubonnet is described as a "deepened claret" on their website and I would say that description was pretty much what it is. It is not as bright and blue-based as Ruby Woo so those looking for something more subtle and want to play it safe, this would be a good shade to go for. 
This lipstick applies opaque with just one swipe!

Finish: Amplified  
Collection: Permanent

MAC Hang-Up

 MAC Hang-Up is a beautiful deep berry colour which has a slightly glossy finish as it is a cremesheen lipstick. Out of all the cremesheen lipsticks that I own from MAC, I would say this one is by far the most pigmented. 
I love cremesheen finishes as I feel as though they are the least drying out of all MACs finishes.
Though this lipstick is permanent, it appears in the 'Iced Delights Nail & Lip Bag/Pure Drama' kit.
This shade is also very similar to 'What Joy!' lipstick from the Glitter and Ice Holiday Colour Collection.

Finish: Cremesheen
Collection: Permanent


Left: Dubonnet, Right: Hang-Up

Both lipsticks retail at £13.50

I actually wore Hang-Up today so my next post will be a FOTD featuring the lipstick.

Don't forget to enter my giveaway!

What's New: MAC Hang-Up and MAC Dubonnet

What's New: MAC Hang-Up and MAC Dubonnet..

 Guess who's back?! :)
So sorry I haven't really been blogging. Unfortunately I had issues with my memory card and adapter so I lost all the pictures taken that I was meant to blog about *sigh*. 
I've gotten a new adapter so things are okay for now but I couldn't retrieve any of the pictures.
Now everything is sorted, I should be blogging more regularly! 
This time I am actually going to start saving back ups of my images. I don't know why I didn't before.

Yesterday I got myself two MAC lipsticks. Those who follow me on twitter probably saw me tweet and a while ago I mentioned wanting 'Hang-Up'.
I've really been into this whole vampy look makeup trend lately so I thought I'd add some vampy-ish colours to my collection.

MAC Dubonnet
MAC Dubonnet is described as a "deepened claret" on their website and I would say that description was pretty much what it is. It is not as bright and blue-based as Ruby Woo so those looking for something more subtle and want to play it safe, this would be a good shade to go for. 
This lipstick applies opaque with just one swipe!

Finish: Amplified  
Collection: Permanent

MAC Hang-Up

 MAC Hang-Up is a beautiful deep berry colour which has a slightly glossy finish as it is a cremesheen lipstick. Out of all the cremesheen lipsticks that I own from MAC, I would say this one is by far the most pigmented. 
I love cremesheen finishes as I feel as though they are the least drying out of all MACs finishes.
Though this lipstick is permanent, it appears in the 'Iced Delights Nail & Lip Bag/Pure Drama' kit.
This shade is also very similar to 'What Joy!' lipstick from the Glitter and Ice Holiday Colour Collection.

Finish: Cremesheen
Collection: Permanent


Left: Dubonnet, Right: Hang-Up

Both lipsticks retail at £13.50

I actually wore Hang-Up today so my next post will be a FOTD featuring the lipstick.

Don't forget to enter my giveaway!